Are you Hustling and Chasing Your Goals?

Desire feels good doesn’t it desire that is not contradicted by doubt that is in other words when you want something when your life has helped you to come to awarenesses of what you prefer or what you want when life helps you to say this is something that I really want and when you feel confident that it’s just a matter of time and not that much time and you will be the full receiver it then that desire feels so good to you in fact it is lifegiving isn’t it is exactly that lifegiving but if you have a desire.

Especially if you’ve had it for a while and because your vibration about it has been out of whack and you haven’t known it you’re not receiving it you’ve asked but it’s not anywhere you can see it so over time now you don’t believe that it’s coming or you worry that you might be doing something wrong you come up with really amazing justifications about why it hasn’t come it must not be appropriate for me to want that or all the good ones must be taken or I must have done something wrong in a past life or you’re

very creative in that way but what it comes down to is when you want something and it hasn’t come and you don’t know why it hasn’t come and you are sort of beating the drum of when will it come and where will it come from and who will be with it and what should I do then those desires don’t feel so lifegiving they don’t really drain you but they’re calling through you and you’re not letting them go does set up stronger resistance which is inating to you and that is what produces all negative emotion every negative emotion that you

feel is because you have a desire that is summoning energy but you have beliefs or chronic thoughts that are not letting the energy flow purely and clearly through you when you want something and you don’t contradict it with thoughts of Doubt or disbelief then there’s no resistance and the desire as it pulls through you on its way to the creation of whatever it is you are wanting as that desire pulls through you it is lifegiving you feel enthusiasm you feel passion you feel frisky and so what we’ll be talking

About today all day here today is about how to clean up that vibration and how to get yourself oriented toward what you want you are the Source of energy beings here in these bodies do you know that.

Sometimes our physical friends understand that there was something before they came here and they hope that there will be something afterward but we want you to know that while you are here in this physical body only a small part of the Consciousness that is really you is focused here into this personality that you know as you now we don’t want that to make you feel diminished because you are essential to the expansion of all that is but all of you all that exists as the non-physical part of you is not here focused in this body the larger part of you.

Sometimes you call it Soul we refer to it as your inner being that Soul Source Part of You Still Remains non-physically focused you are a vibrational being that part of you is purely vibrational so then as part of that Consciousness focuses into you here now you have the potential of the advantage of these two vibrational aspects there’s.

The source aspect and there’s the physical Leading Edge creative genius aspect and those two vibrational aspects of you are playing off of one another all the time your life in your willingness to expose yourself to variety caused you and all that is to expand into an improved place and the question that this Gathering wants to help you ask and help you answer is are you taking the expansion are you who exposed yourself to the contrast and who is the reason for the

improved discernment the improved request are you out here on the Leading Edge now receiving the benefit of that expansion the answer to the question is felt by you within your emotions if you feel frisky the answer is yes if you feel energized if you feel passion if you feel enthusiasm for life then that means you launched a rocket and went with the rocket and became the new and improved vibrational state which means the manifestation has to catch up with you and fast but if you launch a rocket

and you feel disappointed or continue to feel lacking if you beat the drum of the reason that you’re asking in other words I’m sick and I want to be well so you launch the rocket of improved wellness and Source The Source part of you becomes Weller we’re not kidding you Weller than you were before you were sick and asking for wellness so now the non-physical aspect of you is Weller but if you keep beating the drum of I don’t feel good beating the drum of I need someone to offer a prayer for me

so that I can move from this place I do not want of sickness to a place of Wellness then without meaning to by your attention to the reason you ask for wellness you hold yourself in the vibrational attitude of sickness and you don’t let yourself be the well-being you are the creator of your reality and by that we mean you’re not just the creator of your cars and your homes you’re not just the creator of your families and relationships you’re not just the creator of your Empires you are the creator of your

experience within all of that you’re the creator of you you’re the creator of the experience of you we want you to understand that you have the ability to focus yourself into alignment with who you are regardless of what is going on in your experience and when you discover that then you will be the frisky creative joyful being that you came forth into this physical experience to be you did not say not one of you ever I’ll go forth and I’ll find a bunch of others and I will convince them to train them

coerce them demand from them elicit from them behavior that will keep me feeling good not one of you said that instead, you said I’ll go forth and through the expanse of humanity I will accomplish enormous expansion and I’ll pay attention to the way I feel to make certain that I keep my thoughts up to speed with my own personal expansion and they’ll all be doing the same in other words you did not come forth to try to control the uncontrollable you came forth to guide your own vibration into the furthest most alignment of your furthest most expansion that’s the only place you will ever find Freedom.

If you think you’ve got to control one other before you’ll feel good you’re in big trouble because they didn’t come to serve you hiam um I’ve come to draw a number of conclusions about the law of objection and um I was wondering if I could present them to you and hear what you’re thinking about them um if I think about Law of Attraction um I’m thinking of something that either is or isn’t so either there is no law of attraction

or there is but if there is it’s not something you can turn off or something that can be there just a little bit like being just a little bit pregnant or a little bit dead um it’s completed it can be a little dead okay I acknowledge that in other words, you can pinch yourself off a little bit from Life yeah yeah but we get what you’re talking about we agree with that law of attraction is whether you know that it is or not and you are offering vibrations whether you know that you are or not and law of

attraction is assembling The Cooperative components to the vibration that you’re offering so while there is this powerful Vortex of well-being that has been assembled by you and is revolving and spinning and drawing to itself on your behalf there are all kinds of vortices of Attraction going on around here there are all kinds of them and you can tell by the way you feel and by the way they manifest what one is active within you at the time yeah and understand the second part.

Because if I draw that conclusion and I see all those people around me that are all up in their Vortex or not and um they’re all getting that what they want or what they energetically represent at a time better said there are a lot of people getting something very different than what they want.

But it is those are perfect words what energetically they represent yes yeah so that means that um everybody is representing something and the universe is constantly doing its stuff for everybody at the same time to make sure that that person gets what he represents at that.

Time law of attraction is like a magnifying glass that is laid over everything and amplifies the vibration of whatever it is yeah Law of Attraction coordinates the vibrational frequencies and brings the frequencies together that are the same just like your transmitter and receiver on your radio if you tune your radio to 101 FM you’re going to pick up the broadcasting from that yeah so that means that um if it all comes together for everybody that means that not a single

flap of a butterfly or whatever everybody else is doing or whatever I am doing it all influences the entire system that we’re working in but here’s where we’re going to de a little bit from where you’re going everyone is offering a vibration and law of attraction is responding to the vibration and matching the like vibrations up but those over there in that Vortex of disconnection in that Vortex of resistance even though they’re adding to the whole if you are in alignment with who you are they’re not adding to the whole

of your manifestations in other words you get what is your vibrational offering they get what is theirs and unless you make what they’re doing your business by focusing on it and approving of it or disapproving of it what they’re doing won’t be part of your mix and you won’t draw what they’re doing into what’s going on with you yeah I understand that um but what I’m trying to say is that um I see this huge mechanism behind it that’s making sure that everybody gets what he or she energetically represents at the same

time it’s the best description of what man has been calling free will for a very long time. You observe or imagine or focus and therefore offer a vibration and then the things that correspond with that vibration are reflected in your experience and from that reflection or manifestation you now have the option of knowing more clearly if you don’t want it what you do want or if it’s something that you do want continuing to amplify that by focusing upon its positive aspects yes yeah so have you come to the conclusion in all

of this analysis that through all of this exposure to life and through Lava traction response there’s a huge Vortex of well-being that is culminated that will feed generations and generations and generations and generations to come can you feel the amassing of the huge well-being and the response to that amassing by the law of attraction and what it means for all that is coming next and can you feel that as this Vortex of well-being expands and becomes more that more and more those who don’t allow themselves to

go with it feel the Discord of it so it sort of explains why the rich are richer and the poor are poorer and the well are Weller and the sick are sicker in other words This Magnificent contrast is causing everything to become more and as everything becomes more it plays with stronger fashion against each other doesn’t it that’s why these are the best of times they are the worst of times and the best of times and the reason they are the best of times is that they are the worst of times because the best of times is always born out of the worst of times you say yeah.

So I draw the conclusion one step further because what I see behind it is this enormous intelligent Source God the universe whatever you might call it um that is steering everything at once so I’ve kind of come to the conclusion that that source is one that we are all coming from that same Source part fragments of it you could not have said it better and we set it less good as we began today saying that you are Source energy and that you are powerful

and eternal and that then a part of that Source energy is represented here in this physical body but a small part of it and that this small Focus then causes you to ask which causes you to add to this greater hole and this greater hole then calls the rest of you forward and when you go you say yes and when you don’t you say ow in varying degrees.

When life causes you to expand and you allow the expansion it’s Blissful and when you don’t it’s less Pleasant and then you croak and you allow it yeah or you do a focus wheel and you allow it or you praise and you allow it or you meditate and you allow it


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