Reconnecting with your true self: Realizing your true nature as a vibrational being.

✨ Alignment is Essential: True happiness stems from being in harmony with your authentic self. When you feel good, you are aligned with your higher self. This alignment nurtures a deeply fulfilling and meaningful life.

🌑 Understanding Negative Emotions: Negative emotions aren’t inherently bad—they are signals that you’ve drifted away from your true self. They act as guides, helping you refocus and realign with your inner essence.

🌿 Growth Through Experience: Life’s experiences shape your desires. By recognizing what you don’t want, you gain clarity about what you truly do want, paving the way for personal growth and transformation.

🌀 The Power of Vibration: The vibrational essence of your desires already exists within what some call the “Vortex.” Staying in tune with this vibration is key to manifesting your dreams.

⚡ Releasing Resistance: Negative thoughts and emotions create resistance, blocking the flow of your desires. By cultivating a positive mindset, you remove these barriers and allow well-being to flow effortlessly into your life.

🎯 Intentional Creation: Focus on what you want to attract, rather than dwelling on what’s lacking. This shift in perspective is vital for drawing positive experiences and outcomes into your reality.

🌍 Your Life’s Purpose: At your core, you are here to expand and create. Embracing this truth brings clarity to your purpose and enriches every moment of your journey.

By aligning with your true self, embracing growth, and staying vibrationally connected to your desires, you unlock the power to create a life filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

Living in Alignment: Tapping into Your True Self and the Power of the Vortex

When you are tuned in Tapped in turned on to the fullness of who you are that’s when you are living as you intended to be and anything less than that is Off the Mark and that’s why anything less than that produces within your guidance shows you it’s off the mark That’s What negative emotion is negative emotion means you in your humanness in your physicalness are focused upon something that has a vibrational frequency that is preventing your full blending with who you are that negative emotion is your indicator

You’re off and if it feels off it’s off from what others think no off from what you thought before you were born no off from what God or some other Creator wants from you no off from who you have become off from the fullness that you are off from your most expanded being off from the source energy that flowed into you and while in you became something more in other words what we’re just saying to you you got to keep up with you if you are to feel positive emotion which means you’re keeping up

With you when you feel frisky you’re aligned when you feel love you’re in alignment when you appreciate you’re in alignment in your joy you’re in alignment in your hope you’re almost aligned but not quite in your belief you’re aligned in your anger not even close in your despair further still in fact the furthest that you can get is Despair and depression which is what powerlessness really feels like alignment feels like empowerment full of the power and the energy that creates worlds full of who you are so

We’ve been spending time with you we’ve been flowing through Esther for a number of years and in this format we have offered many different explanations in an attempt to help you understand more fully who you are but most importantly how you fit into the big picture and we want you to understand that you don’t just fit into the big picture you are an eternally expanding being you can’t stop that you can’t even slow it down but what you can do and many of you do in your physical form is that your

Contrast causes you to expand but you don’t keep up with your expansion so the longer you live the more you expand the longer you live the more you expand the more you hold fast to beliefs and ideas that don’t let you take your expansion so the greater Discord happens between who you are and who you are your babies coming in they’re aligned the more they hang around with you the less aligned they are because you find so much to fuss and worry about in your exploration of cont contr now that in and of itself

is not a bad thing it’s perfectly wonderful to look around your world and acknowledge the parts of it that you do not want but when you keep the parts that you do not want active within you you prevent yourself from being a vibrational match to the part you do want you to see and we just want you to understand that you have the ability to do a much better job of tuning yourself than you usually do tuning yourself to the furthest expansion of who you are Jerry and Esther have been making their way from California here for the last

For several days and in the process they’ve been thinking about ways that it could be better and it’s really fun to watch them constantly trying to figure out how this could be a little better and how this could be a little better and so this morning they were chatting about some new ideas they have about making their transfer from place to place the best that they can possibly think of and as they are Conjuring these new ideas and contemplating and chewing around them Esther found herself pointing out

Something that happened a long time ago in a hotel parking lot on the other side of this continent and Esther said that was the day with that drive shaft disconnect that I really hurt my knee Jerry said I remember that and Esther said maybe we shouldn’t dig up bad things that we didn’t like and activate them again now and yet there is this walk down memory lane sometimes in the process of defining what you want you’re pointing out some of what you didn’t want and we say that’s part of the deciphering process isn’t it you don’t

really know clearly what you do want until you’ve lived a little bit of what you don’t want it’s all part of the focusing process but it’s so interesting how in that focusing process you come to New conclusions that work better for you but then it seems and this is the thing that trips you up more than all other things put together it seems you defend your new Choice by reminding yourself how bad it was before not realizing that every time you return to that you reactivate the vibration of that which keeps you from

clearly and purely being a match to who you now are and what you really want that’s why family reunions feel so awful you go back to that place where you used to live and back to that place where you used to vibrate differently and you talk to those people who remember you as you were then even though you are in a whole different vibrational place and as you go there and focus and remember and look through family albums and watch those old videos and talk over old times you activate who you were that does not jive

with who you are and when you do that you feel less good the longer you do it you say oh it’s Nostalgia and we say oh it’s disconnection from who you really are so what’s happening to you all day every day whether you know it or not you are so magnificent in your physical bodies you have forgotten you are vibrational beings first and foremost is that all day every day you are becoming more there is a vibrational version of you that has become and is becoming that is the main event of you when we say you

are the creator of your experience we’re not kidding you even a little bit you are not just the creator of your experience you are the creator of you you are the creator of the vibrational version of you who exists in a vibrational reality Now many of you would say oh this vibrational version ah I don’t know if I want to talk about the vibrational version I’d rather talk about the reality that I see around me and we say that would be fine if you the larger part of you were not standing over here in this Vortex of creation as

the vibrational version of all that you have become but you have become a vibrational version of something more than you know here in your physical reality because the manifestation is slow to catch up with the vibrational version so if you spend your time focusing upon the reality looking at the money that is now in your checkbook looking at the people who are now in your life looking at the person who is now not in your bed or that you would like to be in your bed is you’re looking at what is as you are facing the

reality of what you are in most cases depriving yourself of vibrational alignment with this vibrational version which is where the larger part of you stands and so when you do that you deprive yourself of the alignment with who you really are we’re not just talking about the stuff that you slow down we’re not just talking about the money that you slow down even though you’re slowing it down we’re not just talking about the empires that you are putting on hold even though you’re putting Empires on hold we’re not just

Talking about the creative things like books and paintings and sculptures and music that are ready for you to harvest even though you are putting them on hold we’re not just talking about those things and those experiences that you are depriving yourself of we’re talking about you depriving yourself of in this red hot moment the fullness of who you are the clarity the stamina the exhilaration the flexibility the dexterity the knowledge The Knowing of who you are the love of who you are the life of who you are you see you

you can’t have it both ways you can’t look at where you’ve been and at who you are at the same time now here’s the thing we want you to hear and if you can get this you’ll have it all the vortex of creation where the vibrational version of you is is present tense as far as the Creator within you and as far as we are concerned when you ask for it it is its present tense but you bless your hearts you’ve gotten so good at exploring the manifestation that you don’t want to call it present tense

Until it’s in your driveway you don’t want to call it present tense until others can see it and we say oh it’s so slow to have to wait for everybody to be able to see it it’s easy to tune in to stuff that’s manifested so what preachers and teachers have been saying to you for a long time about faith really applies here because what faith is is a vibrational attitude what faith is an awareness a vibrational focus and attention to what’s in this Vortex of creation and if you can focus upon what you’ve asked for and no longer beat

The drum of why you ask for it I want this magnificent thing because it’s so awful not to have it and because it’s so hard over here without it and because I deserve it I really deserve it even though I don’t have it I deserve it and we say all of that drum beating from the perspective of what is not yet manifested holds you in a holding pattern that will not let it manifest you have to let go of the absence of what you want before the presence of it can feel into your experience you see we want you to feel the reality of this

The vortex of creation is the vibrational reality we’re not making this stuff up everything that you see that is manifested was first vibrational reality and once it’s been in vibrational reality everything that you see is first a thought upon longer until it takes form everything that you see that is manifested was first vibration and the Gap the amount of time that it takes from the offering of the idea and flowing it vibrationally into your Vortex and the full-fledged manifestation of it is as short as no

time when you are a vibrational match to what you’re asking for the amount of time it takes for you to manifest things wanted is the amount of time it takes for you to get in the vortex and consistently stay there so when we say to you which will be the answer to every question that you ask today it would be very boring by the end of the day go to the vortex go to the vortex and so some will say well what does that mean and we say it means to stop doing whatever you’re doing that’s keeping you out of the vortex what do I

have to do to get in the vortex nothing well then how come I’m not in there because you’re doing stuff that holds you out okay so what do I have to do to get in nothing well then how come I’m not in there because you’re doing stuff that keeps you out Abraham are you death can’t you hear what I’m asking I’m not in the vortex how do I get in what do I have to do nothing but you have to stop doing that thing that’s holding you out and your question is fair because we’ve never seen anyone who could just

Stop thinking that thought because when you say I’m not going to think that thought anymore you’re thinking that thought you’re not going to think I’m not going to do that anymore have you ever done that I’m going to quit smoking sure you are I’m not ever going to eat that again after this one so what you have to do is start doing things that allow you vibrational proximity to the vortex this Vortex that spins in a place of pure positive energy what that means is no resistant th in other words when you say I want

I want what do you want to call something out I want $100,000, I want $100,000 that if you could leave it right there is a pure thought but if your sentiment is I want the $100,000 that I don’t have a pure thought when you say I want the money because I need it not pure I want the money because it is exhilarating and because it gives me freedom and because I can do this and this and this when you talk about what you want and why you want it

It is usually a pure thought then when you talk about what you want and where it will come from and when it will come and who will bring it and how you will get it in other words there’s a lot of things you do in your action-oriented exposure to live that hold you in vibrational patterns of disallowance so we call those vibrational patterns of disallowance resistance to the Natural flow and whenever you got resistance going on it’s indicated to you by your emotions of resistance and emotions of resistance are always

Negative emotion emotions of resistance don’t feel good and emotions of allowance feel better and better and better so if you have an emotion of resistance so you’re angry or frustrated or fitful or worried when you feel that means you’ve got this residual of resistance going on that is keeping you out of the vortex and so you walk around not in the vortex so comfortable with not being in the vortex that you don’t even know what you’re missing but when you take the time to focus yourself into

the Vortex deliberately into the Vortex where your Clarity is and where your exhilaration is where your perfect rendezvous in every moment with everything that you want where the universe is able to give you in moment after moment so much full life experience that you wonder why you would ever ever ever step out of the vortex once you consciously and deliberately spend more of your life inside this vibrational state of being that we are calling the vortex where your vibrational point of Attraction

is so purified by your deliberate thought Focus that you are not setting up your own resistance to your own well-being then you begin to remember why you were born and what this physical experience was supposed to be about what you had in mind

This excerpt emphasizes the importance of vibrational alignment to experience true fulfillment in life. Here are the key takeaways:


  • Living in alignment: True fulfillment comes from aligning with your true self, your “fullness,” the expanded version of who you are.
  • Negative emotions as indicators: Negative emotions signal a disconnect from your true self and your vibrational alignment.
  • The power of expansion: You are constantly evolving, and it’s crucial to keep up with this expansion. Holding onto old beliefs or past experiences can hinder your growth.
  • The importance of focus: Focusing on what you don’t want keeps you out of vibrational alignment. Shifting your focus to what you do want and the feelings of joy and appreciation are key.
  • The Vortex of Creation: This is a vibrational state where your desires are already manifesting. By aligning with the Vortex, you can experience effortless manifestation.
  • The role of resistance: Resistance to the flow of life, often stemming from negative emotions and limiting beliefs, prevents you from experiencing the fullness of your being.


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