African Grey Parrots Food | ParrotsLove parrotslove, africangrayparrot

African Grey Parrots Food | ParrotsLove

Nutrition is often neglected with pet birds. you must discuss your bird’s nutrition along with your veterinarian! Too usually, house owners assume they’re feeding a correct diet to their African gray once, in fact, they’re not.

What My African Grey Eats?

African Grey Feeding

“Poor nutrition may be a common reason for several health issues.”
Poor nutrition may be a common reason for several health issues. Bird house owners ought to frequently try to enhance their bird’s diets. this suggests perpetually educating themselves concerning the most recent recommendations in correct nutrition—something a medico well-versed in bird care will facilitate with. rather like USA, birds will survive on poor quality food; the goal, however, ought to be to assist our birds thrive and flourish, not simply survive. Like us, a bird’s health depends an excellent deal on however well it’s fed.

What will my African gray parrot naturally eat?
African gray parrots eat a range of seeds, nuts, fruits, berries and vegetation within the wild. they’re going to clamber from branch to branch whereas feeding rather than flying. They particularly treasure the fruits of the African feather palm, tree native to their atmosphere.

What ought to I feed my African gray parrot?
African greys area unit susceptible to each metallic element and axerophthol deficiencies and to avoirdupois. Feeding a well- diet can facilitate forestall the event of those conditions.

“African Greys area unit susceptible to metallic element and axerophthol deficiencies and to obesity”
Although wild African gray parrots have access to seeds all year spherical, the categories of seeds they go after modification throughout the year, as totally different plants get season. The business seed mixes offered several|to several} captive parrots tend to be high in fat and deficient in many nutrients. If these mixes area unit fed because the solely supply of food, African gray parrots may become sick and ultimately die untimely. to form matters worse, often, birds can choose through an outsized bowl of economic seed combine and by selection eat one or a pair of “favorite” styles of seeds, limiting their nutrient intake even more. They usually preferentially select peanuts and flower seeds that area unit notably high in fat and deficient in metallic element, vitamin A, and different nutrients. Their selective craving will more incline them to deficiency disease.

“Seeds ought to solely be atiny low a part of a diet and may ne’er be the complete diet.”
Seeds ought to solely be atiny low a part of a diet and may ne’er be the complete diet. additionally, solely some of kooky ought to be offered daily. If you bit by bit provide fewer seeds, substitution them with a lot of wholesome selections, your bird can begin feeding different foods.

Pelleted Diets

Commercially out there pelleted diets are developed to fulfill all of a bird’s nutritionary desires. totally different formulations area unit out there for various life stages and for the management of bound diseases. There area unit several smart brands of pelleted foods within the marketplace, and to suit the preferences of various birds, pellets are available in totally different flavors, colors, shapes, and sizes. Hand-raised babies ought to be started directly on a pelleted diet.

“Pellets area unit the best food and may ideally represent approx. 75-80% of the bird’s diet.”
Pellets area unit the best food and may ideally represent around 75-80% of the bird’s diet. the rest of the diet ought to be comprised of recent fruits and vegetables with terribly restricted seed, if any. whereas transitioning a seed-eating bird to a pelleted diet will take weeks to months to accomplish and might generally be troublesome, house owners ought to slowly wean seed-eating birds onto a pelleted formulation. chatting with a medico well-versed in bird behavior and nutrition may be terribly useful in changing a stubborn bird from seeds to pellets.

How do I convert my bird to a pelleted diet?

african_grey-feeding-2Converting seed-eating birds onto developed diets isn’t perpetually straightforward. Initially, they possible don’t establish pellets as food. Birds ought to be slowly weaned off seeds over a amount of 4-8 weeks whereas the pellets area unit perpetually out there during a separate dish. combining pellets with seed is usually not a good thanks to transition birds to pellets, as they’re going to preferentially choose the seeds out, effort the pellets behind. it’s going to take days, weeks, or months to switch a bird’s diet.

NEVER withdraw seeds entirely while not 1st being bound the bird is attempting the pellets, additionally as feeding some fruits and vegetables. observation the bird’s weight on a digital scale that weighs in 1-gram increments is additionally the way for house owners to make certain that birds area unit maintaining their weight throughout the transition. Birds area unit stubborn, however they’ll be trained. whereas transitioning a seed-junkie to a pelleted diet may be trying for each you and your bird, with correct steering from a knowledgeable medico, you’ll ultimately be able to improve your bird’s nutrition.

“Remember that you simply train the bird; don’t let it train you.”
Consult your medico if you encounter any issues with this transition or with the health of your bird.
Remember that you simply train the bird; don’t let it train you.
Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits, vegetables and greens ought to account for roughly twenty – twenty fifth of your bird’s daily diet. Pale vegetables, with a high water composition (i.e. Iceberg or lettuce, celery), provide little or no nutritionary worth. Avocado is rumored to be doubtless venomous and may ne’er be fed to birds. Orange, red and yellow vegetables, like squash, peppers, carrots, and sweet potatoes, contain alimentation A—a nutrient essential to birds’ system, kidneys, skin, and feathers—and area unit ideal selections to supply birds.

Fruits and vegetables should be washed completely to get rid of chemicals before feeding them. Cut them into manageable items acceptable to the dimensions of the bird. it’s not necessary to require the skin off. provide fruits and vegetables during a separate dish. If your bird seems to develop specific|a specific|a selected} fancy for one particular food item, cut back its volume or stop feeding it quickly to push the consumption of different foods.

Treat your bird sort of a tiny child; provide atiny low piece of a range of food things daily, and notwithstanding it rejects the item once or doubly, don’t hand over. it’s going to take many exposure to a unique food before a bird accepts it. A well-balanced diet should be maintained in the least times to push birds’ health and longevity.


Fresh clean water should be out there in the least times. reckoning on the standard of your water, you will think about the employment of filtered or drinking water. Dishes should be cleansed completely each day with soap and water.

What concerning individuals food?

As a rule, any wholesome, wholesome food that you simply and your family eat, your bird will dine in terribly tiny quantities. Follow the final pointers mentioned higher than, and use your good judgment. Some birds get pleasure from atiny low quantity of lean boiled meat, fish, egg, or cheese sometimes. As birds area unit milk sugar intolerant, they must be offered farm product solely occasionally and in terribly tiny amounts. High fat food (French fries, pizza, fatty meats), to a fault salty things (chips, pretzels), chocolate, caffeinated product and alcoholic beverages ought to be avoided.

Will my bird have any totally different desires throughout its life?
Birds that area unit extraordinarily young, stressed, injured, parturition eggs, or raising young could have bound special nutritionary necessities. There area unit pelleted foods specifically developed out there for birds with these styles of distinctive nutritionary necessities. Consult your medico relating to these things.

Does my bird want further vitamins, minerals or amino acids?
Your medico will assist you assess your bird’s diet and its explicit desires. Generally, a bird feeding 75-80% of its diet within the sort of pelleted food doesn’t want supplements. Pellets area unit meant to be nutritionally complete. Specific vitamins or minerals could also be a lot of necessary at numerous times throughout a bird’s life (e.g., egg-laying birds could need metallic element supplementation).

Birds that aren’t nevertheless feeding pelleted diets could also be supplemented till their nutrition may be improved. fine-grained supplements area unit usually considered a lot of stable. These supplements mustn’t be offered in water, as several of them will degrade in water or promote bacterium or yeast growth there. they’ll be offered directly onto wet food; but, so as to learn from these supplements, birds should consume the complete wet food item. inserting these powders on seeds or dried foods is of very little worth since it’ll ultimately rattle down the dried item or return off the seed because the bird removes the seed’s hull before intense it. Ideally, supplements ought to solely be offered for specific health conditions, beneath the steering of a medico, or once a bird is on associate degree all-seed diet. they must be eliminated once a bird is transitioned on to a nutritionally complete pellet.

Does my bird want gravel or grit?

Parrots, like African greys, don’t want gravel or grit. Grit helps birds that consume whole seeds (hull and kernel) grind and digest the seeds in their gizzards (part of the stomach). whereas birds like pigeons and doves consume seeds intact, parrots take away the seed hull before ingesting the seed. Thus, they are doing not need grit or gravel. In fact, several birds offered grit can over-consume it and develop doubtless grave canal obstructions. Grit is commonly found pasted on sandpaper perches to undertake to assist keep nails worn down. Birds could choose grit off these perches, as well, resulting in viscus impactions. For this reason, even sandpaper perches ought to be avoided.

What pointers ought to I bear in mind concerning feeding my African grey?
Always monitor the quantity of food consumed each day by every bird.

Offer water each day.

Make pelleted food the idea of the diet (75-80%).

Offer recent fruits and vegetables each day, limiting their consumption to no over twenty fifth of the diet.

Clean all food and water dishes daily with hot cleaner water, and allow them to dry completely before mistreatment them.

A bird voice communication no to a food item in some unspecified time in the future doesn’t mean no forever – KEEP TRYING!

Some prompt food things to supply include:

apple cherries (not the pit) pear apricots Chinese vegetables (bok choy) peas asparagus coconut peppers (red/green & hot) banana corn
pineapple beans (cooked) such as: cucumber plum chick peas blow ball leaves pomegranate excretory organ dates potato lentils endive pumpkin Lima fig rapini leguminous plant grapes raspberry navy grapefruit rice (brown) soy kale lettuce lettuce beet kiwi spinach blueberry melons up seeds broccoli mango squash Brussel sprouts nectarines strawberry cabbage orange sweet potato cantaloupe papaya tomato carrot parsnip zucchini carrot super peaches

Contributors: Rick Axelson, DVM; Updated by Laurie Hess, DVM
© Copyright 2016 Lifelearn Iraqi National Congress. Used and/or changed with permission beneath license.

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